What to do, according to experts, when you have too many ideas and not enough time?

Having too many ideas can be both good and bad. It is great to have lots of creative thoughts, but it can also feel overwhelming because there is only so much time in a day. Here is a simple guide to help you handle all your ideas, so you can make the most of your… Continue reading What to do, according to experts, when you have too many ideas and not enough time?

Are you living an urgent life or an important life? What experts say

In today’s fast-paced world, many of us feel overwhelmed by constant demands on our time. You can tell if someone is living an urgent life or an important life by how they talk about their daily activities. Phrases like “I’m so busy” or “I don’t have enough time to get everything done” are signs of… Continue reading Are you living an urgent life or an important life? What experts say

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How too much comfort is making you miserable? Things that you need to know

Nowadays, we have lots of comforts that make life easier, from cozy homes to advanced technology. Everything is designed for convenience. However, too much comfort can actually hurt our happiness and well-being. This article looks at how having too much comfort can make us unhappy and gives tips on how to find a better balance.… Continue reading How too much comfort is making you miserable? Things that you need to know

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How willpower works and how to avoid bad decisions according to research

Willpower is a key part of our minds that helps us make choices, control urges, and reach long-term goals. By understanding how willpower works and learning how to avoid bad decisions, we can improve both our personal and professional lives. In this article, we will look at the science behind willpower, how it works, and… Continue reading How willpower works and how to avoid bad decisions according to research

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Why do people stare at me in public? 12 reasons according to experts that you need to know

Have you ever noticed people staring at you when you are out and about? It can be pretty weird, right? But there are actually a bunch of reasons why someone might be looking your way. Knowing these reasons can help you feel more comfortable in public. So, here are twelve expert-backed explanations for why you… Continue reading Why do people stare at me in public? 12 reasons according to experts that you need to know

Can introverts change? Understanding the psychology of introverts

Introversion is a personality trait where people enjoy their own company and quiet places more than being in busy social settings. Unlike extroverts, who get their energy from being around others, introverts recharge by spending time alone. This does not mean there is something wrong with being an introvert—it is just a different way to… Continue reading Can introverts change? Understanding the psychology of introverts

10 Reasons according to experts that why being selfish is important for you

In a society that values giving to others, the idea of being selfish might seem strange. But sometimes, putting yourself first is not just helpful but it is important for your own growth and happiness. Here are ten reasons why it is good to be a little selfish sometimes. Improves Mental Health Taking care of… Continue reading 10 Reasons according to experts that why being selfish is important for you

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Why do you get that ‘This Has Happened Before’ feeling? Everything that you need to know about Déjà vu

Have you ever felt like you have experienced a moment before, even though you know it is your first time there? This strange feeling is called déjà vu. Déjà vu is a fascinating phenomenon that many of us experience at some point in our lives. The term, which comes from French, means “already seen” and… Continue reading Why do you get that ‘This Has Happened Before’ feeling? Everything that you need to know about Déjà vu

What are the reasons for Hair loss? Everything that you need to about hair loss

Hair loss, or alopecia, is something many people experience at some point in their lives. It is not just for older adults; even children can find themselves dealing with it. On any given day, it is normal to lose between 50 to 100 hairs, this usually is not noticeable given the tens of thousands of… Continue reading What are the reasons for Hair loss? Everything that you need to about hair loss

Categorized as Health

What is Nostalgia and how to deal with it?

A mature hispanic man is packing and unpacking as he is moving into a new house. He is looking at old pictures.

Nostalgia is a bittersweet longing for the past, often triggered by memories of happy times and loved ones. While it can bring comfort, too much nostalgia may make it hard to enjoy the present or look forward to the future. Research shows that nostalgia is a common emotion that can both soothe and sadden, depending… Continue reading What is Nostalgia and how to deal with it?

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How to stop being codependent (according to experts)

Do you often find yourself in challenging relationships, tirelessly working to make others happy while neglecting your own needs? This might be a sign of codependency. Understanding what it is and recognizing its signs in your life and how to overcome it are the first steps towards building healthier relationships and boosting your self-confidence. What… Continue reading How to stop being codependent (according to experts)

Why does he text me everyday if he only wants friendship? 12 reasons according to psychology

It can be really confusing and a bit frustrating when a guy who says he just wants to be friends keeps texting you every day. Are these mixed signals? What does he really want? If you are scratching your head over this, you are definitely not alone. Many people find themselves wondering why someone who… Continue reading Why does he text me everyday if he only wants friendship? 12 reasons according to psychology

Water-based artificial synapses: The cutting-edge of neuromorphic computing


A group of physicists from several countries has made a significant impact in the field of brain-inspired computers. A team of theoretical physicists from Utrecht University in the Netherlands and experimental physicists from Sogang University in South Korea have constructed an artificial synapse using a combination of water and salt. This novel computing system utilises… Continue reading Water-based artificial synapses: The cutting-edge of neuromorphic computing

Categorized as Health

Is he hiding Jealousy? 11 signs you need to know according to experts

Young woman Spy on Boyfriend Cell Phone

Jealousy is something everyone feels at one time or another. It could pop up when your partner starts spending a lot of time with someone else or maybe changes how they look. Some people are pretty open about feeling jealous and talk about it with their partners.  However, others keep these feelings to themselves and… Continue reading Is he hiding Jealousy? 11 signs you need to know according to experts

Don’t be attracted by someone’s looks, but what truly matters is

In our world, we often judge people quickly by how they look. But what really makes someone special is not about their appearance, it is about who they are on the inside. In this article, we are going to talk about why it is better to focus on someone’s personality and what truly makes them… Continue reading Don’t be attracted by someone’s looks, but what truly matters is

13 reasons why girls need to be careful before falling in love, according to psychology

Falling in love might seem like a magical fairy tale, but it is not without its twists and turns. Especially for girls, it is essential to step carefully, keeping an eye on the psychological twists that can make or break a relationship. Here are 13 reasons why girls need to be careful before falling in… Continue reading 13 reasons why girls need to be careful before falling in love, according to psychology

10 ways to manage and align relationship expectations

Keeping your relationship expectations clear and matched is super important! If you and your partner expect different things, it can cause a lot of trouble. Here are 10 simple and straightforward tips to help you both understand and manage your expectations better. This way, your relationship stays strong and happy.  Communicate Openly Talking honestly and… Continue reading 10 ways to manage and align relationship expectations

12 things to do if a guy ignores you after an argument

Arguments are a normal part of relationships, but they can leave a sting, especially if he starts ignoring you afterward. When this happens, it is important to approach the situation thoughtfully and with care. Here are 12 things to do if you find yourself in this uncomfortable situation.  1. Assess the Situation When you find… Continue reading 12 things to do if a guy ignores you after an argument

Psychology says 89% of men love when their partners who do these things

Did you know that according to psychology, 89% of men love it when their partners surprise them with thoughtful gestures. Whether it is planning a special date or sending a sweet message, little acts of kindness can make a big impact. In this article, we will explore some simple ways to show your love and… Continue reading Psychology says 89% of men love when their partners who do these things

10 questions to ask yourself before entering a relationship

Thinking about jumping into a new relationship? Hold on and let’s make sure you are really ready for this step! We have got a list of twelve simple questions to ask yourself before starting a new relationship. These questions will help you understand your own feelings, check if you are truly ready, and see what… Continue reading 10 questions to ask yourself before entering a relationship

10 signs that your mental health is declining and needs to be prioritized

Recognizing signs that your mental health may be declining is key to taking care of yourself. Sometimes, the signals can be subtle and easy to overlook. In this article, we will explore ten common signs that suggest your mental health might need more attention. Understanding these signs can help you take steps to feel better… Continue reading 10 signs that your mental health is declining and needs to be prioritized

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